I dont have any favorite singer or band but i really like "Oathbreaker". Oathbreaker is a band who come from Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium. They was formed in 2008 by his 4 members, Lennart Bossu, Gilles Demolder, Ivo Debrabandere, and Caro Tanghe. They plays a similar music genre to "Deafheaven", this genre its a mix of another musical styles like hardcore, post hardcore (a melodic branch of hardcore), black metal, post black metal, screamo, and noise. This band is characterized by the Higher pitched screams performed by Caro Tanghe, vocalist of the group.

The heavy and noisy style its my favourite thing about this band. Musically, i like oathbreaker because their sound altought its noisy, mantains melodic lines, wich generates a tetric atmosphere wich contrast with the rhythm breaks presents in their songs. Also, Oathbreaker uses a fast drum rhythm wich i love because the fast music its my favourite genres.
When i listen oathbreaker by first time, i remember i was 16 years old and an old friend showed it to me. When i listen the song "The Abys Looks Into me" i fall in love with this band because i never hear a sound like this because when i was 16, i only hear heavy metal or thrash metal bands like "Satan", "Slayer", "Kreator".
Another thing i like about the band is the album covers, because this art reflect all the feels that emerge from the album. A good example its their last album called "Rheia". Rheia show a pair of hands under a cloth simulating a dense smoke that reflects the human feelings that are going through the time like the smoke.

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