The show takes place in Tokyo-3 (a new tokyo in 2015) and NERV, a military organization who tries to defeat divine entities called "Angels" with Giant Robots called, Evangelion unities. This mechas (giant robots) are piloted by children around the 14 years old. When the argument continues in the time, the show turns into a psychological and confuse tv show because the argument approach the psyche of all characters. Hideaki Anno said all of characters in this anime takes a little part of his mind and personal experiences, so we could say the show it's about the mind of Anno.
As the show progress, we can
understand some symbols and the personality of the characters and the real
intentions of the angels. This show talks about the "instrumentality human
project" which it's about the creation of a new world / god with the seed
of health (angels) and the seed of knowledge (humans). NERV, wants to carry out
this plan because Gendo Ikari, boss of the military organization, wants to be
with his dead wife, Yui ikari. Shinji ikari, son of Gendo its one of the kids
who have to pilot the Evangelion unities. Shinji thinks about gendo and he says
his father don’t love him.
The fans of this show have many
theories about the argument and the background, reaching at the point to
elaborate theories about the mentality of Hideaki anno.
It’s a great anime, considered a
Cult show. It’s hard to explain and understand but I think it’s a masterpiece
of anime.
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